Where does the good go? I

Strong all along, incredible ability to voice your journey, I am literally blown away by your thoughts and insight.

Your Bipolar Bear

Oh man, getting too confident is a bitch. In the past week…

Got into meaningless arguments with the almost ex over some god damn ignorant shit on his end (Yes, J, I would get my mail, if I could, if you didn’t change the fucking locks like some kind of insane caveman).

Went to my doctor for a post- miscarriage follow up visit, told them I wasn’t feeling that great still and they kinda blew me off. Told me to come in next week (this week) for an ultrasound, but, not until they gave me the pathology results on my unborn child.

SHE (yes, was going to have a daughter) had turner syndrome. An incredibly rare (of course, because it happened to my baby, a part of me, who these kinds of things happen to..) chromosomal disorder, where she wouldn’t have had a uterus (most likely), heart defects, a degree…

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I thought I was going to be a young mom. Not a teen mom, not the awkward grocery store stuff, like when I was 20 with my ex’s toddler- where people look at you weird, without a ring, and want to buy you some formula. But, a young mom. And, yeah, I think I’m an old soul, I have had my fair share of hard times and what not, I know some stuff. Like, the big stuff, like loss and hurting and insecurity and all that shit. I knew I could handle being a parent but I also knew that,  “these days”, people have their children later in life than in years’ past, and have more life experience to rely on. But I thought, the stuff that you can’t possibly learn in 25 years, the stories that wrinkles tell, the things we worry about every day, that older people tell you are petty or trivial, I would figure that out, eventually, with my child. My daughter. If I were to read that out loud I would probably feel physically sick.  This is a real thing for expectant mothers that miscarry, I can attest to it.

But, she is gone. Yes, I saw her heartbeat twice. The first time was really early on, and the screen literally looked  like an egg yolk. The second time, I remember stopping and buying Saltines on the way to the doctor because I felt a little nauseous, which was unusual, I never felt sick in my pregnancy. Truly. I kind of told myself I was quote-unquote “worked up”, or anxious, for the ultrasound. I was talking to my belly in the car like “Ugh, I want some Chipotle and you’re making me eat Saltines but I ain’t mad atcha” But there I was, with my husband (ha), and clear as day, I saw her heart rate of 188, flickering on a screen. That was amazing. TRULY, magical. But magic is just magic, and as soon as the tech saw what she saw, she left the room, gave me some bad numbers and, then, against every odd that I thought was in my favor, she was gone. But I have already said that and that isn’t the point.

Here is the point.

I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO BE A YOUNG MOM. I’m a big fan of improv. (Is that how you spell that? You know what I mean, being quick on your feet, coming up with something, whatever).  I was totally up for the challenge. But there are still things I would have wanted to say to my mini from the get-go, and here is what I can think of.

(I don’t know if I can name my baby, now, or ever, that’s where I am in my stages of grief so…)

Baby _______,

First of all, so happy to meet you. I am sure you are perfect, I’m not talking about ANYONE else’s standards, I’m talking textbook perfect. Thank you for making my dreams come true. If you were older reading this and felt pressure, don’t, because your presence is what makes me feel whole.  You have already done that for me.

Your grandma is your mom’s favorite, she is many things but mostly she is VERY wise. (To be fair, you come from a long line of strong women.  Your great-grandma was many things as well but that’s another story for another time). Anyway, back to your grandma. She told me as many times as I can remember (and still, to this day) how she loves me and your Uncle more than anything in the entire world. I could always appreciate it ,and, as your dad says, “actions speak louder than words”, I could see it, but until I knew you were coming I didn’t know what those words meant. Love is the strongest force in the world. It is the most beautiful thing and, sometimes, it is the most painful. THAT’S FINE, I promise you it is better to feel something, and get stung, than to never feel anything. I would know.

I am very confident that you will have the charisma, soul and presence that I have. This is a gift, you will make people smile. People will want to be around you. Don’t give away so much of yourself that you lose anything, but don’t be weary of people’s motives. It is a blessing to have people who genuinely want to hear what you have to say. It is a blessing to make someone smile. People will tell you, someday, something you said to them at one point (that you probably won’t even remember), that took them out of a dark place. They will truly, in their soul, appreciate your words and what you said to them. Believe me, no one listens to have the stuff other people say, but you and I resonate. DO NOT TAKE THIS FOR GRANTED. But, if you’re like me, you won’t, because, contrary to anything the world has taught you, you love people.

On that note, there are people that aren’t so good. I can’t describe the personality we have other than a “light” that not everyone has. Please believe me, MOST PEOPLE love that light. Most. But, just like I don’t want you dating anyone who “lived in Jamaica before they bartended on Bourbon Street”, I don’t want you around ANYONE who wants to turn off, or even DIM, your light. There are people out there who don’t appreciate our unique rhythm, and you may never understand “Why”, because I certainly don’t. Our ease in situations will make them jealous. When people seek you out because they see the light from you, (whether you see it or not, because sometimes you won’t, and sometimes I don’t, but I promise you it’s there) there will always be someone else who doesn’t understand why people gravitate toward you. At first, they might seem like someone who “gets it”, or wants to “get it”, and maybe that IS true. Maybe they do want to appreciate your “light”, at first. But once they can’t grab that facet of you, and make it theirs, they will have resentment towards you. This is when you walk away.This is where the “hurt” comes in, when you are genuine, like your mother, and someone else isn’t like us. THAT’S OKAY. The world is a big place, I haven’t seen nearly enough of it, but there are so many people who will appreciate you, like they do me. All of my friends, that you call ‘Aunts’ and ‘Uncles’ (Because that’s what they are) are people I met in the little town I was born in. We are both SUPER, SUPER loved and this is the littlest portion of the world, honey. Whenever someone doesn’t get us, and I can’t lie and say that this won’t happen a few times..that is THEIR journey, their loss, and if you listened to me at all, you STILL have your light. What do they have?

This is just a letter from mom, keep that in mind, because your dad would roll his eyes at this. Spend your money. I don’t mean like on candy (OH MY GOD, YOU WILL NEVER EAT ANY OF THAT SOUR/STICKY NONSENSE) or cheap stuff you don’t need, and make sure your bills are paid. What I mean is, take your friends out to eat sometimes. If someone is broke and you can give them money to make their day a little better, do it. Make sure you give your spare change to ANY homeless (or not) person with a sign, or asking for money, and don’t judge them. It’s just money,there is plenty of it out there. Your mom doesn’t care too much about money, health is wealth, but I will make sure you have everything. And if I can’t do it……your grandma will make sure you have everything (LOL). That light you have, people need that sometimes. It’s usually our words but sometimes its the things we do for others, that are measurable.

Eww this is the ugly part. I am so happy to have a girl (!!!), but….”society” (but we are free spirits and don’t really care what “society” says, or means..) is going to tell you to look and act a certain way. You will look at friends and admire how beautiful they are, or thin they are, and it might make you feel bad about yourself. DON’T. First of all, your mom is a babe, and would never let you look “embarrassing”. More importantly, whoever you think is looking, is probably more screwed up than we are, and has their own issues and isn’t judging, or shouldn’t be. Especially when it comes to weight. Your mom has been unhealthily overweight and unhealthily thin. You know what? The happiest times in my life have nothing to do with food or with being thin. Some days you will be the best looking lady in the room, and some days you will not feel like it (and on those days, you are wrong, I know your genetics). Truly, one month you will be “thin” and the next you will be feeling overweight. One day, when you’re like me and something really big happens to you (good, I hope, but maybe bad), you will laugh out loud at the things you thought were important. WEIGHT IS ON THE TOP OF MY LIST.Time is so relative, nothing but love is permanent. Eat what you want, in moderation, and don’t sit around too much.(But we won’t, because we will be having dance parties and going cool places.Mama wiggles a lot and doesn’t like to stay in the same place too long. You’re welcome.)

SAY EVERYTHING. To me, to everyone. Do not be scared. I know you will, because you’re my kiddo, and that’s what we do. But I cannot tell you enough that you need to tell people that you love them, or just care that they exist. Don’t hold back, the truth is important (but I’m all about a good white lie.. but not to me, c’mon) and the saying is true, it will set you free. You are lucky to have a family that doesn’t judge. Other people might, and again, that’s on them. It doesn’t mean you need to be quieter. (Sometimes grandma tells me that there is a fine line between things that need to be said, and don’t, but I told you I’m young and we would figure that out when we had to).

Also.. LISTEN. Remember that gift we have for the right thing to say? Sometimes it gets in the way. We forget to turn off our own thoughts for a minute to hear someone else’s. They are probably not as funny as us, and their story most likely does not involve us, but I can guarantee you that I have learned something from every person I have ever (truly) met. But there is nothing better (or, truthfully, funnier or more ironic) than when I think about all of the things that have been said to me. My first kiss, first love, your great grandpa, some of the things your dad has said to me over the years… Trust me, you don’t want to miss those thoughts that someone had the courage to put into words. Plus, all the sad stuff like people die and you want to remember things, but I don’t want you to worry about all of that.

On a lighter note, PLEASE listen to me when I tell you to brush your teeth, Mama is a tooth person. Always give hugs with two arms, otherwise it’s a wasted hug. Study hard in school, I’m one smart lady but I’ve always been too wiggly to pay attention to one thing. (Still be wiggly, I won’t put you on meds). Spend some time with your Uncle Mike, I can’t stress this enough, he is sooooo different from us it will sometimes drive you nuts,  but also so much the same. He loves you very much, and he can teach you a lot (like math, because your mother doesn’t waste time on that, but you need to for college). Speaking of family,(which is the most important, but don’t forget that our friends are our family),WRITE DOWN EVERYTHING YOUR PAPA MICK SAYS. He is just as wise and sweet and caring as we are, but he shows it differently. He would drop anything for me or you. Between him and I, we will show you the best  music “of all time”. (Yeah, and your Uncle Alex will sing it to you..). But literally, your Papa will make you laugh so hard that you need to write things down to laugh at them later. Once you get to know him, you will know what I mean.  I am here for you, I will probably annoy you because I worry a lot, but I’m not sorry.

“Bottom line” (as your Aunt Lynsy and I say to each other..)?

Don’t let anyone try to dim your fucking light.
Looooooveee  Mumma

Where does the good go? I

Oh man, getting too confident is a bitch. In the past week…

Got into meaningless arguments with the almost ex over some god damn ignorant shit on his end (Yes, J, I would get my mail, if I could, if you didn’t change the fucking locks like some kind of insane caveman).

Went to my doctor for a post- miscarriage follow up visit, told them I wasn’t feeling that great still and they kinda blew me off. Told me to come in next week (this week) for an ultrasound, but, not until they gave me the pathology results on my unborn child.

SHE (yes, was going to have a daughter) had turner syndrome. An incredibly rare (of course, because it happened to my baby, a part of me, who these kinds of things happen to..) chromosomal disorder, where she wouldn’t have had a uterus (most likely), heart defects, a degree of deafness and blindness, a whole bunch of health problems. I want to make this known that THIS IS CAUSED BY IMMATURE SPERM, WHICH IS AFFECTED BY ONE’S DRINKING. NOT NAMING ANY NAMES. The odds of a baby girl having turner syndrome are one in 5000. Additionally, she had an extra chromosome #2. This would create any number of things, childhood cancer, really an endless list of possibilities that are not ideal. There is no statistic on how many times this happens but…for both happening is literally something like one in a million or one in 500k. And the combination of the two, is why she didn’t make it. I knew if I had the amniocentesis done, that the genetic counselor reccomended, and had gotten these kinds of results, my then-husband would have wanted me to terminate. and Science. and Logic, because she would have had a miserable life. Being pro-choice, I am not judging any woman who has had to do this for any circumstances, but I, personally, would never terminate. Literally the only prayer I ever said (possibly, in my entire life) was, if the baby was going to be SO sick she would never be happy or normal, that God would take her back. And he did. So, there must be a God, and hopefully heaven and all that but… who could love a tiny sick baby more than their mom? I guess asking God to take her back was a selfless thing.

So lots of women I know who have had miscarriages, (because there are tons more than you would think,my facebook inbox got blown up) typically eariler on in pregnancy than I was… are almost “jealous” of my test results. We all realize that we are, or were, in a shit situaiton, but MY shit situation came with an explanation. I have had a few girls say that they wish they knew the sex of their lost baby, and can’t believe that I wish I didn’t. (I would NEVER have asked, I knew from pathophyisology courses that Turner Syndrome affects only females). But that’s the hand I was dealt.

And yeah, I could name her. I guess I have that “advantage” instead of just saying yeah I was pregnant once and she was sick and she died. But really, does that little piece of comfort that she could have a name, mean anything? Anything compared to now I can now imagine how she would look (like me, obviously), and what I would have brought her home from the hospital in and how I would done girly stuff with her unlike I did with her HALF brother? Sorry but I can’t stand that kid, he turned into a jerk like his dad and he’s healthy and that irrationally frustrates me. Losing a baby was losing a baby but losing a girl was… losing a girl 😦 just feels different and worse.

So, anyway, end of last week, I went back to the doctor for an ultrasound, after calling them and repeatedly saying I didn’t feel “right”. Of course I know myself, and I was right, they didn’t get all of the placenta and what not from my first d&c. Great, of course they didn’t. So after a mini breakdown in the ob/gyn,alone (because I was never alone all the times I had good news, just the really upsetting times where I assumed I was probably fine and  didn’t need any company) they gave me a choice. Go home and take these ABORTION PILLS (yes that’s what google calls them. Not “your doctor wasn’t thorough enough at your first operation” pills), or schedule a d&c, or both. I asked the dr what she would do, she said she would take the pills AND schedule a second d&c, so that’s what I did. Hopefully the medication would work, and if so, I could cancel the procedure. I just planned on a shitty weekend, at home, because a second d&c could lead to complications down the road and I obviously want to avoid that.

So I come home (to my parents’ house now because.. I am no longer married HAHA irony is a bitch), throw on some comfy clothes and decide to take these pills that were supposed to be ‘incredibly painful’, ‘miserable’, etc. This, again, was after an ultrasound where I saw no heartbeat, and a first d&c. I knew that this was already done, baby was already gone, but to physically take the medication was a really surreal, sad, guilty feeling. ‘ABORTION PILLS’, fuck you, big pharma. It took me quite a while to talk myself into it, but I did it. Then I took a bunch of vicodin, poured a glass of wine, and waited.

48 hours -nothing happened. I wasn’t THAT uncomfortable- more frustrated, as the time went by, I knew I was not going to be able to cancel the second surgery on Monday. I knew the procedure wasn’t going to be a huge deal, I just did it a few weeks ago. And that was the point. I JUST did this a few weeks ago. And a few weeks ago… I had a husband to go home to. With pizza and someone to cuddle with. This time, so soon, I didn’t.

So yesterday morning, I didn’t get to cancel my second surgery.  I woke up so resentfully, showered but couldn’t put makeup on and got in the car with my mom. (Who is amazing but, still, not my (ex?) husband who made some promises. Less than a year ago. Jerk.). I checked in at the hospital and there was a miscommunication and I was super early arriving there- I told them “Well, I don’t care how early I am, I need someone to take me in the back and I need to get HIGH”. The front desk lady kind of looked at me funny but, I didn’t care. They were super nice, and took me in the back and shot me up with a ton of stuff. I have a really “high tolerance” allegedly. My cousin who is a really good friend and person, and has been with me for every leg of this journey (she used to listen to me bitch about my husband all the times we were on and off dating, then she was in my wedding, then I told her I was pregnant as soon as I found out because I was so scared, then she helped me pack up my life in 10 minutes when he changed the locks, and now she was sitting with me, sedated, so I didn’t cry that I was doing this again, “alone”-ish) was there, I passed out pretty quick besides talking about food a lot,I guess. I woke up before they took me into the OR, I had them grab my mom so I could give her a a hug before getting put under, and then I had a two- minute meltdown, because, to be fair, a month ago I was having a baby with my husband and now I’m having a second d&c without one.

I woke up from anesthesia, like literally 5 minutes later, and the nurses were like, holy shit why are you awake? I told them I was in pain but just wanted some drugs. Don’t judge. After some paperwork and what not I was on my way home, ate some pizza and watched Mean Girls. My cousin is dope for spending her whole day off with me and she knows I will love her forever for it, and everything else.

So here I am today, feeling healthy, but feeling sad. Obviously. Of course, physiologically, I had a plan for the rest of my life with my family, and I thought my family would include this baby and my husband. Now they are both gone. So I can cry and be angry, or I can look at it as a fresh start. The world is my oyster, or whatever.

Today, these are all facts. I can look at it and write about it, and it’s just what happened. Who knows what tomorrow holds, or the proverbial tomorrow holds.

But I’m okay. I’m always okay.



Albert Einstein once said that “Time is an illusion”. Word on the street is that, that guy knew his shit.

I’ve been putting a lot of thought into time and timing.There are countless sayings and examples: Of course time slows down at work but speeds by on each day off, we all spent childhood feeling like it would take a LIFETIME  to “grow up”, to grow boobs, to get our first cars, to finish high school.I don’t care how old you are- it all happened in the blink of an eye, every year speeds by faster than the last, the sand in the hourglass is always falling. Any elderly person would tell you that life has flashed by quicker than we can fathom.

With that being said, think of how we spend time vs. how we wish to spend our time, or how society tends, or tries, to dictate what are “acceptable” allotted times (I.E. 40 hour work weeks, or waiting x number of weeks/years/what have you before doing this/that). Whether one consciously or subconsciously follows these unwritten rules, I couldn’t say. But I have been cognizant of these “norms” lately, and it’s typically in my nature to go against the grain on what is quote-unquote normal.

I’m not a fan of clichés, but I am a fan of the truth- So I will say that regardless of the duration, or the unfortunate outcome of my pregnancy, I am forever changed. I suppose this is what made my wheels start turning about this topic.

After the negative happenings in my recent past, I have SOMEHOW  “came back”, even though I didn’t know I was missing. I have felt amazing…well being bipolar, “amazing” is a strong word, but I have been incredibly strong and impressed with myself. I am stable (better than stable), in a time where I could easily be a damn suicide risk.

But, in my humble opinion, society implies that I should be in bed with a half gallon of ice cream,hating the world. I have truly had, more than once, a feeling in the pit of my stomach,thinking that I must be the hugest asshole there is. Pure guilt literally after having a good laugh or smiling. Guilt that I know is irrational, but feels completely legitimate.

So, here it is.  One-there is no such thing as wasted time. And hear me out.. I don’t mean this literally, I am the most impatient person there is, and you can bet your ass that algebra and secretary of state are without a doubt a waste of time. But when it comes to the big stuff, mistakes you make, choices you hesitate making, relationships, guilt, hope when you know deep down its a hopeless situation…that is never a waste. This time spent is what makes you, you. And two- fuck society or anyone who gives you a time limit on…anything. (Well, except for if you’re talking about your job. I am unemployed at the moment so I may need to revisit this portion of my post..)

The world will fuck you a million ways, a million times. You can count on that. But please believe there will be moments that fill you with so much joy, you forget anything but perfection exists. If you’re ever struggling, hold your goddamn breath for a minute and have a little faith in yourself or your higher power that this is the truth. Dream, imagine, pretend your someone else for a minute-whatever you have to do- but I have been in proverbial heaven and hell both, so I know my shit on this one.


death and soulmates.

So, anyone who knows me personally, knows that this past week has been the most “trying”, dramatic, damn- near miserable week of my life. I suffered a miscarriage, on a pregnancy that I was ecstatic about.Notice that the “I” was in bold print, because my (soon- to-be former) husband was a complete jerk who wasn’t on board with my lifelong dream coming true. He made this abundantly clear several times and, being the abusive person that he is, he tried to steal my joy on several occasions. He failed, I was in love with my tiny “mermaid” (get it? because babies swim in amniotic fluid like mermaids swim in the ocean, and mermaids are magical, just like creating life and babies :]). As much as his attitude hurt, I loved talking to my belly (Yes I know that babies [side note, I hate the word “fetus”]  don’t hear until week 17 of development, but I don’t care),and spent all day, everyday, dreaming of how my life was going to change. I remember imagining the first time I would hold my child, and how life was going to change in ways I could not/ can not fathom, and thinking that I would probably never think about anything else again. Pregnancy hormones treated me well, and I can only speak for myself, but I’m pretty sure being pregnant forever would cure my bipolar disorder, haha. I sure did miss eating feta though…

After the news of my miscarriage, my husband showed his ass (for the umpteenth time), and now we are in the process of a divorce……but that’s a whole ‘nother story for a whole ‘nother day.

Soulmates: Maybe from Disney movies, or romantic books and movies or whatever social cliches, I always envisioned my “soulmate” to be a man or woman,  (Oh, I never mentioned that I’m a true bisexual, but I am) who swept me off my feet, finished my sentences, brought me diet coke every morning, blah blah blah, etc etc. I have been in love (obviously,since I’m currently married) a few times. I truly felt deep connections and wore my heart on my sleeve, but it wasn’t until recently that I realized I have known my soulmate for over ten years….

By, literally, the grace of god (and some idiot we were both dating in high school) I met a dear friend of mine, Lou. Words are my passion in life and I truly can’t articulate the way I feel about this woman. My family raised me to be independent, but in my heart of hearts, I would not feel whole without her love.  She is also bipolar, we always say that if one of us had to carry this burden, thank god we both do, so we have someone who “gets it”, and I truly mean that. If somehow, a genie appeared, offering to cure me of my mental illness, I would turn them down unless they had enough for both of us.

In the decade we have known each other, we have been through our highest of highs (sometimes literally) and lowest of lows. I was there for the birth of her son, she helped “give me away” at my wedding. Just as importantly, if not MORE importantly, we have been there for one another for the everyday stuff. The ups and downs, the days of mania, the days of joy, and the days/weeks where simply getting out of bed seemed like an olympic event. She has not had an easy life, and is literally the strongest person I know. She makes me brave, she inspires me just by existing. This week was, again, terribly difficult, but as AMAZING as my family is (and believe me, they are), I would truly be sedated in a hospital if it wasn’t for my dear friend.

Just like always, I have been able to count on her to know what to say, to dry my tears or to make me feel comfortable enough to let them flow. She has kept my spirits up , in this dark time as much as anything could…and even when things are normal, there is nothing in the world we couldn’t say to each other.

As good as a friend she is to me (and everyone), she is an even better mother. I truly love her son and would do ANYTHING for him. If I am half the parent she is someday, I will be proud of myself. Her son is the most well behaved little boy, and somehow picked up his mama’s great traits- compassion, thoughtfulness, and unconditional love.

It’s strange, after losing my baby, the things that make me most upset. Of course the whole situation is devastating, and seeing teeny babies at Target makes me want to scream and cry and beg god why he would do this to me…. But one of my biggest disappointments is that I won’t (yet) have a mini-me for Lou to love as much as I love her little boy.

Anyways, my little milky milk, when you see this, I hope you feel the love I put into this. It’s past my bedtime, but just know that I thank god for you every single day. Wearing a raincoat that has four sleeves……

there’s a thousand “yous”, there’s only one of me.

I have always loved writing, taken creative writing quite a few times in college and high school.Other than that, I am a storyteller by design, and believe my meandering experiences are worth sharing. I recently read somewhere that writing is a “symptom” (for the lack of a better term) of bipolar disorder. Whoever said that, and made my dream of writing something of resonance feel cheapened,  can seriously fuck the hell off.

I will go ahead and say to whoever reads this, I often swear, feel no remorse and never will. I am a very open and honest person. Everything you will read from me is the truth-  I can assure you of this. But as a disclaimer, I want to acknowledge that it is MY truth, that may be skewed from medications, gaps in memory and that type of thing.

To tell you about myself, I’m 25 years old, got diagnosed by bipolar around age 21. Always knew I was “different”, more sensitive than others, obsessive at times, and incredibly caring ONLY when something interested me. But as I now know, the telltale symptoms of bipolar disorder usually manifest in one’s early 20s, which is exactly what happened. I had my first manic episode (which to my knowledge is when a psychiatrist can truly diagnose you as bipolar) after a series of traumatic events and life has been different ever since.  I try not to let my disease define me, but I would be lying if I said it doesn’t shape many (heh, every) aspects of my life everyday.

In addition to being bipolar (type two), I also have obsessive compulsive disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and restless legs syndrome (yes, it’s a thing and yes, it affects me more than you’d think). I know that’s a long list but the list of things in life that make me smile is so, so much longer.

I’m also an addict, as many people who suffer from mental health disorders are, and I will be honored to share some of those stories on this new journey I’m starting here.

Anyway, this was definitely the LEAST entertaining of my posts, I promise. I have so much to say to the world and am blessed to have a way to do so.

One love.